ages 6 wks - 2.5 yrs

(30 hrs or more)      $165 wk

(more than 6 hrs per day)     $40 day
(less than 6 hrs per day)    $5hr

We only accept part-time infants if spots are available, which is rare!

ages 2.5yrs - 6yrs

(30 hrs or more)    $135 wk

(more than 6 hrs per day)        $35 day
(less than 6 hrs per day)      $4 hr

For rates on Preschool or After School Care, go to "Preschool/Afterschool"

Little House of Hugs Child Care and Preschool Rates


At Little House of Hugs, we keep our rates as low as possible, while still giving the highest quality care.  Our rates have always remained in the "average" range for Monroe County, and have only been raised three times in 12 years.  During the recent hard economic times, we even lowered our Baby Hugs and state assisted rates to help out our families.  
Our rates are as follows...

Little House of Hugs & Baby Hugs

Child Care, Advanced Preschool, Infant Care

Baby Hugs Rates